Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Did You Vote, Did You Vote, Did You Vote, Vote, Vote??

Okay, the title of this post should be sung to the William Tell Overture, as you dance your way out of your local polling station - and by the way, DID YOU VOTE?? If you did, thank you; if you didn't, NO COMPLAINING!!!! We are still hours away from knowing who our new President will be, but what I'm most thankful for is - no more political ads on television, no more phone calls from political candidates; it's over, done, finito - finally. Do I sound a little, mmm, tired of it all? Well, I am, and I'm sure I'm not alone. This seemed like the looonnnngggest presidential campaign in history. Well, I just wanted to vent a little; after all, what's a blog for? Did you vote, did you vote, did you vote, vote, vote......

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