Monday, June 23, 2008

24 Miles on the Erie Canal!!

We met our cycling group after church yesterday and drove to Lockport, a city on the Erie Canal. From there we biked to Middleport, a smaller town, also on the Erie Canal. After riding around Middleport for awhile, looking for ice cream, we finally found a pizza place that had ice cream novelties. Needless to say, we stopped and enjoyed various ice cream treats. Some of us got Klondike bars. I was thinking of the commercial that asks, "What would you do for a Klondike bar?" - when I mentioned it to one of the other riders, she took a picture of us. Maybe we'll send it to the Klondike people. Who knows? They might send us some free ice cream treats!! (Can you see the commercial now? "We rode 12 miles one way for a Klondike bar!") I was fine while we were in Middleport. It was the trip back that had me concerned. But God is good, and He kept my feet pedaling all the way back. We did stop a few times to rest, but those times were such fun. On one of our rest stops, we stood under a bridge singing the old Erie Canal song - you know - "I've got a mule, her name is Sal; 15 miles on the Erie Canal" - I didn't realize how many verses there are to that song, but we were all laughing and having such a good time. As hard as the last couple of miles were, I'm glad I went on this ride. There is such a feeling of accomplishment when you've done something you thought you couldn't - and the encouragement from the other riders meant so much.

This morning I awoke expecting to be in extreme pain from yesterday's outing, but all in all, I'm feeling okay. I did beg off a driver training session with Abbie, because I'm not feeling THAT good, and I do have to go to work this evening.

That's about it for now. Have a great day!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

Wednesdays are craft days at my friend's house. So there we were, crafting away, each of us intent on what we were doing. The weather has been unseasonably chilly the last few days, so I asked Linn if she wanted to go for french onion soup at Ilio's. We both decided it was a good idea, so we headed there around noon. Let me tell you, Ilio's has the best french onion soup in Western New York, maybe even the state. Really. We started this little tradition of going there for soup the first day our kids went back to school each year. Well, our kids have all graduated and moved on with their lives, but the tradition carries on. This isn't the beginning of the school year you say? No, but it sure felt like it. Brrrr.

In other news, I have been asked by the same friend if I would teach her daughter how to drive. Ab will be starting grad school in September and really needs to be able to drive herself instead of relying on her dad all the time. Linn was totally serious about the request, and Ab is up for it too. So, we start on Friday. I have to say that I'm a little nervous about getting in the car with a new driver, again. I thought I was done with that forever. But, I took a spiritual gifts inventory a few years ago, and one of my gifts is teaching. Do you think God meant driver's education?? I know He has a sense of humor, but....

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

Well, yesterday I woke up and thought, "Oh, great. It's Father's Day and I don't have a card/present for Dad or Hubby." Now, I knew that Father's Day was coming, it's on the calendar every year, and yet somehow I managed to be totally oblivious to the arrival of the big day. I recall having laughed at my mom when she told me that she'd given Dad his card and present last weekend because she thought it was Father's Day then. Maybe God is trying to teach me a lesson? But I digress...Upon my sudden realization that I was cardless/presentless, I quickly formed a new plan for the day. I'm good at altering plans - I do it a lot. So, instead of going to 9:30 church, I decided to go to the 11:00 service. Besides, the graduates were going to be honored at that service, and we have some young friends who would be there. This gave me time to hit Walmart for cards, after which I also had time to stop and see Dad before heading out to the church. After worship, I spotted friends in the Fellowship Mall, who recently had their second baby. I spent some time talking to them and holding their precious little 3 week old son, John. I thought back to the first time I held my own beautiful daughters, and then, many years later, my grandson and granddaughter. The awe and joy I felt were incredible, and the love for those tiny little babies washed over me totally and completely. I look forward to meeting my new granddaughter sometime in September, and expect that I will have those same feelings again. God is good.

We finished up our day with a picnic at my parents' house, mostly because it's easier to bring the party to Dad, who is a semi-invalid (and also because the US Open was on and he didn't want to leave his beloved big screen t.v.). So, a good time was had by all. And I will buy the cards/presents ahead of time next year.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

No Bike Ride For Me

The church Hubby and I attend has something called "Interest Groups" and we just signed up for the Bicycling Group. Our first meeting was this past Sunday and our first ride was yesterday evening. I was so excited; I'm not very active, but Lou (the guy in charge) had assured me this ride would be fairly level and not real long. We were to meet at the church at 5:15pm to car pool to our ride beginning point at the base of the North Grand Island bridge. We would be riding to Niagara Falls and back. I woke up yesterday very excited at the prospect of riding. I spent the morning and early afternoon at my friend's house doing "crafty" stuff, and then it happened. I started to get a migraine. The end of the story? I didn't go on the bike ride, although Hubby did. He had a great time. They rode to the Falls, then out onto Goat Island, and all around the Falls before riding back to the cars. The next ride is supposed to be from the Erie Basin Marina up to the South Grand Island Bridge area, but I'm not sure when that will be scheduled. I guess I'll have to get biking so I'm ready for that one!

Today was my morning at the local elementary school. I have volunteered there one day a week since 1997, with the same 2nd grade teacher. Next week is the last Thursday of the school year for me. Over the years I have half-heartedly looked for jobs, but never really wanted to stop doing the school thing. Well, the teacher I help will be taking a new position as a reading specialist in September, so she won't be needing me anymore. At about the same time, I became aware of a part-time position opening up in September at Peace of the City Ministries. I applied, and will be starting then as a reading tutor. I have always wanted to do something meaningful in a Christian environment, and I think this will be a wonderful opportunity. My Hubby says, "Timing is everything." I say, "God is in control."

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"Heat" Part 2 - or, How I Survived the Weekend

So, there we were, in the midst of this oppressive heat, and I was blessed enough to be going away for the weekend. Three good friends and myself attended the Women of Faith Conference in Rochester, NY in an air-conditioned arena. We had such a good time. We found a really good motel last year, so we stayed there again this year. If you get a chance, try the Homewood Suites (Hilton runs them). We were able to save a ton of money by bringing our own food for Friday dinner, plus snacks, etc. Breakfast was provided by the motel, and I'm talking about fresh-made waffles, scrambled eggs, sausage, fruit, yogurt, cereals, muffins, bagels, toast.....oh, yeah. Anyway, the conference was awesome. We went to the pre-conference on Friday morning, which featured Patsy Clairmont and Anita Renfroe. I about busted a gut laughing! They are such marvelous speakers. I can't begin to tell you about all of their stories - the lineup of speakers was terrific. Patsy Clairmont, Anita Renfroe, Luci Swindoll, Marilyn Meburg, Sandi Patty, Nicole C. Mullen, Natalie Grant, Sheila Walsh, Allison Allen, Steve Arterburn (he is the reason there is a "Women of Faith"). The whole program was so uplifting, I would encourage you to check out the website for the conference schedule, and make plans to attend one.
Okay, that's enough for today. God bless.

I Hate the Heat

Well, here it is Tuesday afternoon. The last few days have been brutal as regards the temperature. Today we are getting some relief, and have only to deal with the humidity. Currently it is pouring - absolutely torrentially (is that a word?). But, it is cooling off - finally. And the migraines have finally abaited, so I am able to use my computer again.