Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So, I was playing on my computer today, and I found this really cool website called "". I found a weight loss tracker, which you will notice (if I did everything correctly) on the right hand side of this blog. Hopefully it will show my continued progress as I practice eating more healthy foods in the coming months. I actually joined Weight Watchers a couple of Thursdays ago, during an exceptionally cold spell, figuring that there wouldn't be too many people there. Well, since then the Thursdays with crappy weather are adding up quickly! Last week was just about as chilly, and this week looks to be extremely snowy. It's like the enemy is trying to keep me from going to the meetings, but I'm not going to cave. I really want this to work :)

In other news, because of the snow today, I didn't go to work. I'm really bummed about it, because I LOVE MY JOB!!!! Do you know how cool it is to say that?? My lead teacher called to tell me not to come in because of the snow (it took her 2 hours - normal is about 20 minutes). We will still have our Open House today, but I won't be there :(

Well, that's about it for today.

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