Sunday, October 5, 2008

Happy First Sunday in October

By now it should be obvious that I don't blog every day...or every other day...or even every other week - well, you get the idea. My life has been extremely hectic lately and I can't figure out why. I love my part time job, which accounts for 12 hours a week (well, 12 hours on the clock... many more than that off the clock), and I volunteer at the HUB on Friday evenings [check out their website:], which accounts for another 4 1/2 - 5 hours. Worship on Sunday mornings is another 3 or so. Grand total: 19 1/2 - 20 hours a week. My coming week is just as busy! Monday morning my l'il pup gets groomed, we stop to visit my parents afterwards, I have work and a staff meeting. Tuesday is even busier - Ladies' Bible Study in the morning, fingerprinting (for work, not because I committed a crime), work, and an informational meeting in the evening about a small group program especially for women. Wednesday is craft day with my best friend, followed by work, and a "take-out" dinner from the church which my parents take back to their house for me. Thursday is a special day - it's my Mom's 80th birthday!! Obviously we'll spend part of the day with her; not sure what the plans are yet. And Friday - a morning doctor's appointment, grocery shopping (my favorite thing in the whole world - NOT), dinner and the HUB. Okay, maybe I'll just go to bed now.....

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