Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day...Well Almost!

Although today is the holiday known as Labor Day, I am actually more interested in tomorrow - my daughter's "labor" day. She is pregnant with her third child, and scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning - and I can't be there. I'm feeling so, not depressed exactly - well, yeah, I guess depressed is exactly how I'm feeling. Hubby and I were blessed to be there for the births of our first grandson and our first granddaughter. Not being there this time is, according to my daughter, no big deal, but it is to me. What makes matters worse (for me) is that my counterpart (J's mom) has been there all weekend, and will probably be there tomorrow, as well. I suppose I should model "grown-up" behavior, but when your heart is involved, it is sometimes difficult. Okay, here goes - I'm glad that my daughter has a mother-in-law who cares enough about her to be there for her. Hmm, not too bad for a first try. I guess I'll have to practice a little more. That's all for now. Oh, and Happy Labor Day!

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