Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So, have I mentioned that I'm a reading tutor for the Ephraim Initiative through Peace of the City Ministries? My schedule is Monday - Thursday, three hours a day. One of my students is an adorable little girl, age 6. My first "job" was to get to know her, so we played a word game which involved categories of cards (think "rummy"). Unfortunately, one of the categories was food. I knew I'd lost control when she began telling me ALL of her favorite foods - quite an extensive list, I might add. I thought I'd finally drawn her back into the game, and we had each taken a couple of turns when, all of a sudden, she put her cards down and said, "I hope we have pizza for a snack today! I really, really, really like pizza!!" This is going to be an interesting year.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Stressed spelled backwards is Dessert!!

Procrastinate, procastinated, procrastinating, procrastination.... any way you use the word, it still means "to put off, esp. habitually, doing something until a future time."

Stress... what you get when you procrastinate!!

Migraine ...a severe, recurrent headache, often debilitating. My major triggers?? Yep, stress. Oh, and chocolate. Which just stresses me out more, because I am a chocoholic.

Let's review - when you leave for work and you're driving on "E", is it better to stop and fill the gas tank and be late, or keep going and pray that you make it to work on time?? A perfect example of procrastination causing stress. When you are going on a youth retreat THIS COMING FRIDAY, and don't have laundry done, or anything even remotely ready (that's the procrastination part), well, you get the idea. Now, some months are better than others, but my calendar usually looks like I let a toddler scribble all over it. I guess I'm just a l'il bit busy... September has been no exception. In the past 10 days I have squeezed in a picnic (Labor Day), two doctor's appointments (I'm fine, thanks), a staff meeting, four days of work (albeit part-time, it is still work), a weekend out of town visiting our new grandbaby, a committee meeting at church, and a Bible Study. Whew!! And the rest of the month isn't much better.

So, after all that complaining, let me leave you with this cute l'il joke: A husband and wife were traveling through Pennsylvania and decided to stop for a bite to eat in a town called Zelionople. Now, they couldn't decide how to pronounce the name of the town, so as they ordered their food, they asked the server - "Would you please say the name of where we are - slowly?" The server looked at them oddly, then said, "Bur - ger - King."

Thursday, September 4, 2008


My newest granddaughter was born on Tuesday, September 2, bringing my total to three grandchildren. She is beautiful (of course). Sweet Pea debuted at 4:49pm, weighing in at 6 lbs. 13 oz.; she is 20 inches long. As previously stated, I was not able to be there, but I was notified almost right away, causing everyone at the staff meeting I was attending to applaud and cheer - how cool is that? Anyway, we are headed there for a weekend visit on Friday, and I can't wait!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day...Well Almost!

Although today is the holiday known as Labor Day, I am actually more interested in tomorrow - my daughter's "labor" day. She is pregnant with her third child, and scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning - and I can't be there. I'm feeling so, not depressed exactly - well, yeah, I guess depressed is exactly how I'm feeling. Hubby and I were blessed to be there for the births of our first grandson and our first granddaughter. Not being there this time is, according to my daughter, no big deal, but it is to me. What makes matters worse (for me) is that my counterpart (J's mom) has been there all weekend, and will probably be there tomorrow, as well. I suppose I should model "grown-up" behavior, but when your heart is involved, it is sometimes difficult. Okay, here goes - I'm glad that my daughter has a mother-in-law who cares enough about her to be there for her. Hmm, not too bad for a first try. I guess I'll have to practice a little more. That's all for now. Oh, and Happy Labor Day!