Saturday, December 6, 2008

Knock, Knock

Knock, knock.

Who's there?


Stupid who?

Stupid me, I actually clicked on something I KNEW was dangerous to my computer and I got a nasty virus from it. (And yes, stupid is an appropriate word for this situation!!)

Yeah, I really did. It seems that "timing is everything" as my hubby says. I thought one of my daughters had posted a video of me online, which they did not, however, I received a message from a Facebook relative saying he'd seen me in a video. Well, I fell for that hook, line and sinker. I wanted to know exactly what was online, and, yes, I clicked on a link that I had been warned about. So, why do I even mention this? In hopes that someone, somewhere will learn
from my mistake. Apparently this virus is called "koobface" and it is a very malicious thing. It has infected my home computer, but I'm still able to use my laptop, thank goodness. I'm not sure if my hubby will be able to fix it or not, but if anyone can, he can.

In other news, our Women's Ministry held their annual Christmas Celebration this morning. It was absolutely delightful. There was caroling, a drama, really good food, and our Pastor's wife spoke. All in all it was a very nice morning.

Okay, that's about it for now. Have a blessed day!

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